Saturday, July 26, 2008

Diary of a Rogue (14)

Part XIV:

Prince Lenword sailed into Southshore without much fanfare. I was working the early afternoon shift that Thursday when the chatter stopped as two large guards dressed in mail stepped into the Seahorse, peered dangerously at us, then motioned for the teenage Prince to enter. A herald (gods I hate them) stepped in behind them and announced, “Rise for Prince Lenword, heir to the throne of Alterac Lake”. Everyone rose dutifully even if no one had ever heard of the minor kingdom.

Everyone sat down just as quickly. My eyes fell on the large, gold signet ring that most nobles were given as young boys and never removed. It would probably fetch a good price from a fence or just melted down. Then I looked at the two large goons that were watching everyone and decided against. it. The Prince sat down at poor Sally’s table.

Sally seemed ecstatic to be serving royalty. She was a good girl from a nice family and wasn’t the “wench” type that I knew of. She was also very pretty, unfortunately for her. After an hour or so of heavy drinking the Prince had the guards drag poor screaming Sally to his room upstairs as we all watched. Not a one of us did anything to stop him. What was I, a 17 year old girl, going to do against to heavily armed guards in mail? I still wake up today cursing myself for not trying.
Ol’ Salty’s eyes just fell away from mine and although I cursed him at the time I knew he would have been slaughtered had he tried anything. In my helplessness a flame lit somewhere inside my soul. This flame would change my destiny, and along with mine the destiny of Azeroth.

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