Friday, July 18, 2008

Diary of a Rogue (11)

Part XI:

So that’s how and where I received my basic training in roguecraft. There was no pomp and circumstance involved and certainly no commencement ceremony upon ending my apprenticeship. All rogues understand that the title “Master” is left to those still alive and not in prison.

Most people ask me detailed questions at this point so I’ll do my best to sum up my childhood using these past questions. Yes, I did get Binky later for a present and kept her despite my parent’s protestations up until the time I left Southshore for bigger and better things, voluntarily despite the rumors you may have heard. She did manage to get me into more trouble than I was looking for but probably less than I deserved.

No, I was never once caught stealing in Southshore. The reason for this is I never stole anything in Southshore. A rogue that soils her own bed deserves what is coming. No, I do not feel guilty for doing what I do. I will discuss my philosophy behind this later. Right now I just heard a chorus of sighs on the prospect of philosophy lessons but let me assure you it is vital to understanding what I do and why I did it in this tale.

Lunnassa left Southshore about the time I did and despite promises to keep in touch we never did. Perhaps someday I’ll find out what became of her or even better will run into her somewhere. My guess will be that it will be under a different name since she left town with most of the treasury. The job was masterful and I’m glad she was the type to leave taunting notes at the crime scene or I’m sure I would have been a prime suspect.

Now, we are going to forward the tale to roughly eight years from the above. I had just turned 17 and the tale in truth is about to begin. It all started with a joke. Doesn’t it always?

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