Monday, July 28, 2008

Diary of a Rogue (15)

Part XV:

I am not normal. Do not ever think that I am normal. Someday I will die doing something unusual. What? I do not know yet but it will be unusual and memorable. My mind has a strange way of working quickly and some say I am brutal. I could have killed the Prince that night as he slept and did some serious pondering in that direction. That would be too easy, however. I wanted to hurt him.

Night fell and with it I came to be a real rogue. I put on my black leather outfit I had put together piecemeal, covered it with a robe, and walked to the Seahorse. I stepped into the dark alley behind the Seahorse and prepared. I pulled the robe off and placed it in my sack, donned my black mask, and checked my leather sap and daggers. I double-checked the small vial, making sure the wax and cork were intact.

My stomach fluttered for a minute as I looked around then it was all business. I climbed the stone wall of the Seahorse easily. I peered into the window of the room I was seeking and saw the Prince sound asleep. His snores were actually loud enough to wake the dead which worked in my favor, this being my first job and all.

I slipped open the window and my padded boot made contact with the floor with no noise at all. Poor Sally lay at his side sobbing. Although I was loathe to do it, I sapped her first. I then sapped the Prince. As they sat there unconscious, I removed the cork from the vial and poured a few drops onto each of their tongues. The sleeping potion would ensure that they both slept till morning. I removed the large golden signet ring from his finger and climbed back to the street below.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Diary of a Rogue (14)

Part XIV:

Prince Lenword sailed into Southshore without much fanfare. I was working the early afternoon shift that Thursday when the chatter stopped as two large guards dressed in mail stepped into the Seahorse, peered dangerously at us, then motioned for the teenage Prince to enter. A herald (gods I hate them) stepped in behind them and announced, “Rise for Prince Lenword, heir to the throne of Alterac Lake”. Everyone rose dutifully even if no one had ever heard of the minor kingdom.

Everyone sat down just as quickly. My eyes fell on the large, gold signet ring that most nobles were given as young boys and never removed. It would probably fetch a good price from a fence or just melted down. Then I looked at the two large goons that were watching everyone and decided against. it. The Prince sat down at poor Sally’s table.

Sally seemed ecstatic to be serving royalty. She was a good girl from a nice family and wasn’t the “wench” type that I knew of. She was also very pretty, unfortunately for her. After an hour or so of heavy drinking the Prince had the guards drag poor screaming Sally to his room upstairs as we all watched. Not a one of us did anything to stop him. What was I, a 17 year old girl, going to do against to heavily armed guards in mail? I still wake up today cursing myself for not trying.
Ol’ Salty’s eyes just fell away from mine and although I cursed him at the time I knew he would have been slaughtered had he tried anything. In my helplessness a flame lit somewhere inside my soul. This flame would change my destiny, and along with mine the destiny of Azeroth.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Diary of a Rogue (13)

Part XIII:

The first week I worked at the Seahorse I pulled in over 3 silver in tips. The pay was lousy but you were supposed to make up for it in tips. A good “wench”, those who worked the bar to ply sexual favors, could make a gold a week or even more. She could retire at the end of a year or two having bought her own farm without even a single loan. This type of life was very tempting for the poor. Of course, the hidden dangers were always in the beatings, diseases, and even sometimes murders of these poor souls.

I was not a wench. My father had spoken to Salty, my boss, and informed him that he would shove a pitchfork very far into his nether regions if he so much as heard a hint of me doing this. Salty was a very smart man and kept the rowdy off of me. Of course, if he could not, I could. Drunks are not very agile.

My second week I pulled in 35 silver in tips and stolen goods. Believe it or not, most sailors after months at sea, come into town expecting to get robbed. The smart leave most of their money on ship and bring just enough to get a good carousing going. I figured I would do this for a year or two until I saved up enough money to move to a real city like Stormwind. I would find me a guild there, pay them a cut, and start doing real jobs for serious gold. A couple of good scores and I would return to Southshore, open myself an inn or tavern, and live the life of luxury the rest of my days.

Oh, the dreams of youth. So often shattered by a single event. That event to me was the arrival of a prince. No, I am not going to run away with him or get spurned by him. Let’s get to this part and be done with it.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Diary of a Rogue (12)

Part XII:

As a 17 year old, there are several important things you should know about me. I had become to come into my womanhood in several ways. I shall leave some of these to your imagination, since this tale is meant for polite company. Some I shall explain and delve into a little deeper. First, I was filling out the same way a human does at this age, but with several key differences.

The first was, my sex drive had not kicked in. The changes that were occurring to my body, were mostly cosmetic. As I came to learn, my races sexual urges do not kick in until their mid to late 20's. For this, I thank the gods. I got myself into enough troubles in my immature teenage years. Having some young lout ply me with tale of how he was my one and only true love to get me into bed would have probably had a better chance of working, (and believe me they TRIED)had the effects of my body overcome the sense of my brain, as is so often the case.

I was starting to stress my independence to my parents who politely laughed having been in my shoes at some point in the past. It was hard to imagine them as young, but logic tells me they once were. Anyway, I knew I wasn’t going to repeat their mistakes because I was more intelligent and clever. I believe when the gods decided to create the teenage years they added this major flaw in thinking in just for the laughs.

My first major delve into independence was to take a steady job. The only one available at the time was barmaid (not a WORD from you about “wench”) at the Seahorse Tavern and Inn by the docks. Hey, it was copper in my pocket and let me practice and ply my new found skills on the drunk. I made a killing.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Diary of a Rogue (11)

Part XI:

So that’s how and where I received my basic training in roguecraft. There was no pomp and circumstance involved and certainly no commencement ceremony upon ending my apprenticeship. All rogues understand that the title “Master” is left to those still alive and not in prison.

Most people ask me detailed questions at this point so I’ll do my best to sum up my childhood using these past questions. Yes, I did get Binky later for a present and kept her despite my parent’s protestations up until the time I left Southshore for bigger and better things, voluntarily despite the rumors you may have heard. She did manage to get me into more trouble than I was looking for but probably less than I deserved.

No, I was never once caught stealing in Southshore. The reason for this is I never stole anything in Southshore. A rogue that soils her own bed deserves what is coming. No, I do not feel guilty for doing what I do. I will discuss my philosophy behind this later. Right now I just heard a chorus of sighs on the prospect of philosophy lessons but let me assure you it is vital to understanding what I do and why I did it in this tale.

Lunnassa left Southshore about the time I did and despite promises to keep in touch we never did. Perhaps someday I’ll find out what became of her or even better will run into her somewhere. My guess will be that it will be under a different name since she left town with most of the treasury. The job was masterful and I’m glad she was the type to leave taunting notes at the crime scene or I’m sure I would have been a prime suspect.

Now, we are going to forward the tale to roughly eight years from the above. I had just turned 17 and the tale in truth is about to begin. It all started with a joke. Doesn’t it always?