Saturday, May 24, 2008

Diary of a Rogue (5)

Part V:

One might expect that growing up in a mostly human settlement as the sole blood elf would be difficult. In my case one would be very wrong. As far as I can remember, there were no cases of blatant racism against me as there were against orcs, trolls, or any of the other species I had heard about. I suppose this had to do with the fact that except for my size and ears, I resembled a beautiful human child.

I later found out when I first met others of my own race, that although I was very beautiful by human standards I was pretty plain by theirs. Growing up, I was constantly the center of both wanted and unwanted attention. It became a chore as I entered puberty, which we blood elves do at normal times compared to humans. Our aging does not slow down dramatically until early adulthood.

Besides my beauty, however, my childhood was a normal one. I was prone to getting into more mischief than the average human child as I can remember most of my childhood seemed to be spent sitting in a corner or washing dishes. My parents, both human, loved me as much as they could a human child. My adoptive brothers and sisters accepted me as one of their own and were if anything overprotective of me.

All of that to say that you should not think this tale will be of my persecutions growing up in abnormal circumstances. Not at all. Everything that happened to me could eventually be traced back to my own actions.


Anonymous said...

Good writing! I'm starting to enjoy this.

For the Love of WoW said...

Thanks again Shazbot!!

Keep reading, a lot more to come.