Saturday, May 17, 2008

Diary of a Rogue (2)

Part II:

Rassa thumbed through the empty journal one final time, his fingers tracing over the blank pages. The diary itself seemed old and used yet unwritten in. He spied many different stains on the pages. Some looked like soup, some unidentifiable, and candle wax was found in many different sections. The book itself had a musty smell.

He reached to the ground and picked up the piece of parchment that had fallen out of the book. At first he had assumed it was a bookmark but upon further study he found it covered in script. The campfire lit the common words written in a dark ink. Rassa read:


Thank you for the payment of 300 gold pieces. When I found this diary sitting there in Comband’s library I just knew it must be S.T.’s. If we can only figure out what magical cipher was used to hide the writing we can figure out how the Great War was started and it may even provide us a clue to where her treasure was hidden. Rumor is it is valued in the tens of thousands.

I will consult mages in and around Dalaran for permission to study their libraries. In the meantime see if you can consult your darker friends. Perhaps they of the B.L. can aid in figuring out a way to read it.

Your Niece,

Rosalyn C.

Rassa turned the script over and looked for more writing but if there was more it was gone or hidden. A treasure worth tens of thousands? Gold pieces and not copper pieces he hoped. But how could a humble rogue read it?

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